About Us
SEN Law is about advocacy for children with disabilities. Striving for equal access to education for all. Providing an advocacy service for SEND parents to access support and navigate educational provision using the law.
Sonia started her career as a pharmacologist at the Beatson Institute for Cancer Research. Followed by two decades of anti-discrimination, policy, and advocacy work; campaigning for equality and human rights. She was instrumental in creating a more humane asylum policy for Scotland, setting direction for the International Federation of Red Cross/ Crescent EU Diversity Commitments, and creating sustainable diversity mentoring for the NHS. Her passion for a law career began in her forties. Sonia’s lived experience of supporting and advocating for her two sons with autism and multiple disabilities as a single parent, exposed inequality in access to education for all and a need to support parents of SEND children in the legal infrastructure. She started her LLB (hons) in 2019.
In 2024 Sonia graduated with her First, having completed a mini-pupillage with 3PB barristers; Open Justice social justice and policy project with distinction; Runner up in ‘OU belonging’ law competition. She has already presented at several SEND Tribunals, Royal Courts of Justice and Magistrates Family Court. She works for the NHS implementing and influencing their Autism Strategy. Sonia offers pro bono support to multiple charities supporting and advocating for SEND parents, including drafting their EHCP’s. She is looking to complete her solicitor training and continue campaigning for access to education for all, advocating for children with disabilities.’
Andrew is an accomplished specialist solicitor with 10 years of experience working as a litigator in tribunals, county courts, criminal courts and the Royal Courts of Justice. He has worked within the specialist field of Education Law since 2006 representing clients throughout England and Wales. He combines specialist knowledge of autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia, MLD, SLD, PDA, language difficulties and physical impairments with expert legal advice.
Andrew specialises in
- Special Educational Needs Tribunal appeals,
- School Admission Appeals
- School Exclusions
- University Dispute Resolution (via OIA if necessary)
- School Bullying Claims
- School Reorganisations
Lynda Russell
Lynda’s career has been primarily working as a solicitor in a different area of law. Since having children, she has gained lived experience with SEND including applying for EHC Needs Assessments and appealing the right to issue.
Lynda has experience with autism, ADHD, Pathological Demand Avoidance, dyspraxia, dyslexia and ARFID as well as a range of associated medical conditions and disabilities.
Lynda has successfully fought two different Local Authorities and schools in respect of educating children outside of their normal cohort at Compulsory School Age for summer-born children and is passionate that families should be given the support to achieve this.
She has assisted multiple families with applying and appealing blue badge applications for the SEND children.
Lynda is undertaking her IPSEA training at present. Although she is not joining SenLaw as a solicitor, she will be using her transferable skills to assist and support our families.